Thursday, August 24, 2017

Psychology Entry #1

Question and Answers

Q: What is your favorite word?
A: Bubbles

Q:What is your least favorite word?
A: Anemone

Q: What one thing do you like about your life?
A: Having friends

Q: What one thing do you not like about your life?
A: Arguing with my parents and siblings

Q: What profession would you life to attempt?
A: Radiologist Technician

Q: What profession would you never attempt?
A: Flight Attendant

Q: What 3 words best describe you?
A: Quiet, kind, funny

Journal Entry

Why would I want to study psychology? I wanted to join psychology because I want to learn how our minds work and comprehend things. I want to learn this because I feel that it is important for everyone to know how our mind comprehends to certain situations. I think it would be cool to learn how you mind responds to different situations such as a relative passing away or scoring a point in a basketball game. I want to know how, and why our minds respond the way they do. I feel like knowing how our mind functions this way will help me be able to respond to things better. Learning how and why the brain comprehends things and works is what I hope to gain from taking psychology in high school. 
What I hope to gain from my experience in psychology class is the ability to know how someone is feeling and the ability to help someone through a situation, so they don’t have to do it alone. What I want to gain from you being our teacher for psychology is knowing how to have fun in class, but at the same time to be serious and to get homework done and handed in on time. What I also hope to gain from you being our teacher is your ability to teach and tell other people how the brain works and comprehends to certain situations.

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